The last three weeks have absolutely flown by. I have been staying at work at lot of the time, just so that I don't have to drive in the snow or ice. I have to say though, it has been a bit of a chore, waited on hand and foot by a housekeeper, three meals a day cooked for me, bed made and room cleaned every day, oh it has been tough!! But I finally finished work yesterday and now have almost a week off. Not all teachers get nice long holidays, our students are there all year and actually want to learn which makes you feel a bit guilty when you take any time off.
I handed over commodoreship of the sailing club a couple of weeks ago having done it for three years and I feel like I finally have my life back! Although I enjoyed most of it, you always get one or two idiots who are determined to make life as difficult as they possibly can, despite the fact that you do the job for free and for the good of the club. But now I am free of them and don't have to have anything more to do with them! However, I did have a lot of support from some really great people who I would like to thank. The majority of the club members are fantastic and TSC is a really special and unique club.
The kitchen is almost done (sore subject considering I have ten to breakfast tomorrow and ten to dinner the day after!). I can't wait to get back to the barge which has been a bit neglected for the last few weeks as we have been getting the house ready to put back on the market. I do go down to the waterfront and say hello every so often!
Once I can get this place cleared up, the decorations up and the presents wrapped, I might begin to feel a bit more christmassy. I am really looking forward to the New Year and having time for family and friends and the barge and allotment. So Happy Christmas to everyone and here's to the New Year xxx
Friday, 24 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
The Easy Way!
I don't know why we are going to all the bother of restoring the barge when there are obviously easier ways....................
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Thursday, 18 November 2010
Margy's Surprise
I was tickled pink to read this post by Margy at Powell River Books Blog:
Margy and her husband live in a floating cabin in remotest Canada surrounded by the most beautiful scenery. They have a floating garden and a floating log store. It is certainly somewhere that I would really love to visit.

Her blog is well worth a trip to learn more about their fascinating lives and surroundings. She also does a regular Friday Sky Watch post that I find really interesting, as I love the fact that our skies can be so different at the same time. But there is something there to please everyone: some recipes, book reviews, boat trips etc etc.
Margy says that she is constantly learning new 'English' words when she reads my blog but I also learn new words from her. It is strange that we both speak the same language yet some words are so different. She recently blogged about her burpless cukes, which I had to google to realise she meant cucumbers! Well Margy, right now I am dead on my plates of meat, so I'll just have a quick butchers at some of the blogs I follow, then climb the apple and pears for a good night's kip!!
Hi to everyone who pops over from Margy's blog. Please don't be shy to say hello.
Margy and her husband live in a floating cabin in remotest Canada surrounded by the most beautiful scenery. They have a floating garden and a floating log store. It is certainly somewhere that I would really love to visit.
Her blog is well worth a trip to learn more about their fascinating lives and surroundings. She also does a regular Friday Sky Watch post that I find really interesting, as I love the fact that our skies can be so different at the same time. But there is something there to please everyone: some recipes, book reviews, boat trips etc etc.
Margy says that she is constantly learning new 'English' words when she reads my blog but I also learn new words from her. It is strange that we both speak the same language yet some words are so different. She recently blogged about her burpless cukes, which I had to google to realise she meant cucumbers! Well Margy, right now I am dead on my plates of meat, so I'll just have a quick butchers at some of the blogs I follow, then climb the apple and pears for a good night's kip!!
Hi to everyone who pops over from Margy's blog. Please don't be shy to say hello.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
It Gets Worse!!
Yesterday the kitchen disappeared and today the floor has gone! All these joists are having to be replaced due to a leak over a long period of time which we didn't discover until the worktops seriously parted company with the tiled splashback. Although I joke about the upheavel, I do appreciate that I am one lucky girl to have a husband who can do all this type of work. Heaven knows what it would cost to have to pay builders to come in, but I am sure Pete could tell me exactly!!
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Look What He's Done !
This morning I went to work without a care in the world, but look what I came home to! A few weeks ago the kitchen collapsed due to a long standing leak under the cabinets, so this had to be done. However, I didn't expect it to be quite so drastic! The floor has got to be replaced and then the entire kitchen. I did ask what we were going to have for dinner, but Pete had already been to the chip shop at lunchtime so I popped up to the chip van for a portion of chips and a curry sauce. Not good for my waistline or purse! Tomorrow we are going out kitchen shopping, if we cannot get one on ebay first. Watch this space!
Friday, 12 November 2010
Happy Birthday!
This is my favourite middle son Stuart and his lovely girlfriend Kerry. Yesterday, for my birthday, Stuart treated me to a surprise night in London. We had a lovely meal at TGIFs (their veggie burgers are wonderful!) and then we went to see Love Never Dies. The show was fantastic and the effects are absolutely amazing. He took me last year to see the Phantom of the Opera, so it was great to see this sequel. Thank you Stuart, I had a really lovely time. But today is Stuart's birthday. (See even as a baby he was considerate enough to hang on long enough for me to enjoy my birthday first!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Stuart, I am very proud to have such a special and considerate son like you. xxx
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Some Girls Get Diamonds.....
Some girls get diamonds for their birthdays, others get chocolate and flowers. This is my birthday present.....
Now, do not get me wrong, I am absolutely chuffed with it. I did originally want a pink one, but Pete said he would not be seen dead ever wheeling a pink one! As it was, he got some serious stick at Doe's, where he is a regular customer, when he went to buy this! On a practical note, I wanted a wheelbarrow that was light and yet sturdy and this definitely meets that criteria. As well as using it on the allotment, I can use it to carry stuff, such as shopping, from the carpark to the barge. On top of that, Pete got me a load of horse manure for my two new raised beds. Oh, I am so spoilt, bless him!
Now, do not get me wrong, I am absolutely chuffed with it. I did originally want a pink one, but Pete said he would not be seen dead ever wheeling a pink one! As it was, he got some serious stick at Doe's, where he is a regular customer, when he went to buy this! On a practical note, I wanted a wheelbarrow that was light and yet sturdy and this definitely meets that criteria. As well as using it on the allotment, I can use it to carry stuff, such as shopping, from the carpark to the barge. On top of that, Pete got me a load of horse manure for my two new raised beds. Oh, I am so spoilt, bless him!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Look What I Won....
I am really excited! I won this beautiful cushion cover from and just in time for my birthday.
It is hand screen printed and sewn by Formosa Design. It really is lovely and will look great on the barge. Sarah at La Maison Boheme has some really lovely design inspirations and is well worth a visit. Thank you Sarah.
It is hand screen printed and sewn by Formosa Design. It really is lovely and will look great on the barge. Sarah at La Maison Boheme has some really lovely design inspirations and is well worth a visit. Thank you Sarah.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Friday, 22 October 2010
The Writing's on the Wall!
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Saturday, 16 October 2010
More Lived In Look
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
The Beginnings of an Allotment
Friday, 1 October 2010
The 'Lived-In' Look
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Home Grown
Friday, 17 September 2010
Any Idea?
One of the lovely Ghurka wives that I teach has just given me these. She said that they can be either eaten raw or stir fried. They were growing on a huge climbing plant in her back garden and they have very spikey skins. Has anyone got any idea what they actually are?
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Happy 21st Birthday
It's Alfie's third birthday, which equates to 21 in human years. Here he is looking cute, having just been out for a swim. Get Alfie near water and he thinks that he is a duck!! |
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Income Tax
With all the hooha that's going on in the press at the moment over the total incompetancy of HM Revenue, I decided to take a look at my tax code. It didn't look right, so I gave the tax man a call and guess what..... I have been paying too much tax for the last five years. Not huge amounts, but enough, so now I am due a tax rebate, which will probably take forever to arrive. Do they pay interest if they owe you money, bet they don't. But take my advice, even if you are on the straight forward PAYE scheme like me, I suggest you just have a quick check, you never know.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
More Floor/Roof
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Today Pete has completed joists for the roof/wheelhouse floor. We thought this would be happening tomorrow but, by luck, the timber that he needed was delivered today so he was able to get on with it. Tomorrow he is going to make a temporary staircase so that I can play around with it and see where I want to put it. Plus he is going to take out the mezzanine floor, so the staircase will be more user friendly than a ladder. I can't believe how the barge is taking shape. I knew there was a reason I married Pete!!!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Window Frames
Monday, 30 August 2010
Gone !!
One more bit to go ...................................................... |
Friday, 27 August 2010
Look What I've Been Up To..............
Look what can be done when you have a day off work! I have been making tomato, courgette, onion, pepper and garlic sauce using veg out of the garden. I have made wild plum jelly and damson jelly from fruits gathered while out walking the dog. I have made more chilli jelly as I have given most of the last lot away as gifts. And finally, as Pete has been working so hard, I made him his favourite rock cakes, just like mum used to make! Tomorrow I am going out to collect blackberries and apples and next week I am going to raid Mum's garden for more tomatoes, quinces and runner beans. After I had served Pete (and Billy) homemade spiced lentil soup with homemade bread, I just happened to mention that if only I could retire now, just think how much more I could achieve!!!!!!
High Tide
Twice a month the tide comes up really high and covers the road (the road is to the right on the first picture). This means that we will not be able to get on or off the boat during this time as our walkway will be under water. Not a problem we will just have to learn to live by the tide. You always get somebody who gets caught out by the tide. In the second picture the tide is actually on its way out, the water had been up to the car's doors and flooded in. I did feel for the people, but there is a huge great sign saying 'Road Liable to Flood', I don't know why folks choose to ignore it so often.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Getting Ready ...........
This lot was delivered last weekend. You can see the celotex and the plywood, the rest of the wood is on deck. Pete has got a couple of weeks off after next weekend and is hoping to have the wheelhouse up and all the rest of the new superstructure completed by the middle of September. Once that is done we can really move on with fitting out the inside. I will keep you posted.
Yesterday we went foraging and found loads of damsons and wild cherries. I have spent all morning making damson jelly. My kitchen smells wonderful and it is very satisfying to create something so delicious when you have got most of the ingredients for free!!!! Next weekend I'll make blackberry jam and sweet chilli jelly and then we should be set for the winter as far as jams and jellies are concerned. Chutneys are next on the agenda.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
This our soon-to-be neighbour coming down the creek with his new boat. Martin, Kim and Neil sailed the boat back from Amsterdam. All went well until they hit bad weather at the Sunk and blew the head gasket. However, all's well that ends well, as they arrived safely and in good spirits (apart from Kim's back of course!).
This is Neil, the BBQ King. This hat may be familiar to some of my Dutch friends. Sorry to rub it in, but they found them in a bin and decided they just had to have them!
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Cadet Week
One of the things that I have enjoyed most about being Commodore is the time that I have spent with the Cadets. This week has been my third (and sadly last as commodore) Cadet Week. Unfortunately, this year I could only spent Thursday and Friday with the kids but I have had a fabulous couple of days. I cannot believe how the kids' confidence has grown in a year. Last year the girls were screaming in terror if the wind blew above a force 1, this year they are hanging out of dinghies on trapezes! We had thirty-five kids out on the water and they sailed every day even though the wind was quite gusty a couple of days. There were also various activities every evening with a grand bbq and presentation night last night. A very good night as my head will testify today!!!!! Well done to all the cadets and the helpers for making it such a great week. Here are some images of the last couple of days :
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Pete's New Love
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