Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year!

I have had a hectic couple of years with lots of responsibilities, deadlines,  no time for anything I really wanted to do and a bout of ill health.  This year looks like it is going to be a lot easier.  I am not going to make any really challenging New Year's resolutions this year.  My aims are to live more simply, spend more time with friends and family and do a lot more of whatever I enjoy doing, even if sometimes that is nothing at all.  Without all the pressure, some of the other things like losing weight, getting fitter etc will probably all come naturally (I hope!).  I will set myself mini challenges each month towards our life goals, but nothing too taxing and I will not beat myself over the head if I don't achieve them.
I love cooking and I am going to join Colour it Green with her '52 New Recipes This Year' Challenge.  It is as it says on the box, roughly one new recipe per week.  I am hoping that later in the year, lots of my new recipes will include home grown ingredients.
We will soon be able to get back to work on the barge.  We are going to put the house on the market soon and hopefully (fingers crossed) get rid of it.  By not having the house to pay out for, our outgoings will drop considerably and Pete should be able to work less with 'work' and work more on the barge.  It would be good if we were able to set a 'moving on date' by Christmas this year, but I am not going to put any pressure on Pete as I know that he is as keen as I am to move on to the barge. I will help wherever I can even if it just means keeping Pete going with bacon butties and tea!
Whatever your plans are for 2011 I wish you luck, health and happiness but remember also to enoy yourselves and sometimes just chill!  Happy New Year xxx


  1. Happy new year, Fran! Good to have made some plans and decisions, dear. Mine has been to stop the whole Internet thing for a while, and I've just written my last post, which I hope is more amusing than anything else! Take care and I will come and visit from time to time. That's a promise, as your blog is a wonderfully warm and sane place to be :) xx

  2. Two of my favourite characters, Piglet and Pooh. Such a happy picture!
    Sounds like you have a good plan for this year. Cutting down on stress and guilt can only be good.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I think your attitude is awesome Fran... No major expectations just obtainable mini goals... I love it! Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Happy New Year, Fran!

    I am in Alaska now. New year. New life. :-)

