Margy and her husband live in a floating cabin in remotest Canada surrounded by the most beautiful scenery. They have a floating garden and a floating log store. It is certainly somewhere that I would really love to visit.
Her blog is well worth a trip to learn more about their fascinating lives and surroundings. She also does a regular Friday Sky Watch post that I find really interesting, as I love the fact that our skies can be so different at the same time. But there is something there to please everyone: some recipes, book reviews, boat trips etc etc.
Margy says that she is constantly learning new 'English' words when she reads my blog but I also learn new words from her. It is strange that we both speak the same language yet some words are so different. She recently blogged about her burpless cukes, which I had to google to realise she meant cucumbers! Well Margy, right now I am dead on my plates of meat, so I'll just have a quick butchers at some of the blogs I follow, then climb the apple and pears for a good night's kip!!
Hi to everyone who pops over from Margy's blog. Please don't be shy to say hello.