I was called back two days later for a contrast CT scan and then we had to come back from holiday for the day for an appointment with the gastroenterologist consultant. He explained that he felt the lesions were probably secondary liver tumours and that I would have to have further tests to try to find the primary cancer site. I had an MRI scan and further blood tests the same day. As you can imagine, by this point I was convinced I was at death's door and feeling like every little twinge was a major symptom.
Yesterday I finally got a call to say that the liver consultant is absolutely certain that they are a specific type of benign tumour and that I could stop worrying. They have checked every part of my body from the knees up and I am fit and healthy. Such good news, I feel like I have been given my life back.
The last couple of weeks have certainly been a wake up call about what is actually important and what is superficial. Top of my list of priorities now is my family and friends, everything else slides down the scale. Pete has been my absolute rock and I am very lucky to have him by my side. I know that there are many, many people who are not so fortunate as me and from now on I will be more mindful of that and help wherever I can.
Enjoy life people as you never know what is round the corner.