Saturday, 5 April 2014

There Are Some Jobs....

Now I believe in equal opportunities and that I am probably capable of doing most things that a man can do.  However, there are some jobs that I am quite happy to leave to Pete.  We have a compost toilet, which has been fabulous.  It works by separating the liquids from the solids and has an electric fan to take away any obnoxious smells.  The wee just mixes with the other grey water from the sinks, washing machine etc and gets flushed out.  The poo is stored in a bucket until it is full.  Then the bucket has a lid slipped on and it is left on deck until it composts down.  We have a very posh compost loo that has a screen that slides back when you sit down (men have to sit down too as their aim can be a bit dodgy!).  This means that you don't actually get an eyeful of the contents of the bucket every time you use the loo.  Oh, it has just occurred to me I should have given out a warning first, I really, really hope you are not eating your dinner as you read this post.  If you are stop now whilst I continue.

Well the loo worked fine until yesterday when the screen stopped sliding back and stayed open,yuck!  I decided that it was definitely a Pete job to investigate the reason why, mainly as he has a much stronger stomach than me.  After a bit of procrastination Pete went off to investigate.  It turns out a stud has broken off that means the lid won't catch closed.  Simple really, we have ordered the bit needed.  But I think that I will bow to Pete's superior knowledge about these matters and leave him to fix it!!!  Until then I have to master the art of lifting the lid with my eyes closed and backing up slowly......

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Somewhere To Eat

At the moment the wheelhouse is being used as a workshop.  Eventually it will become our living area, with a seating and eating area.  It will also be a working wheelhouse with wheel, chart table and all the other thingy-me-bobs that you need for sailing.  Until that time, as you know we are living exclusively below decks.
We have been eating off trays on our laps, but on Sunday we invited mum and dad over for lunch for Mother's Day and Rob and Emily joined us.  So we needed somewhere proper to eat.  I sent Pete up to the house to collect 'the table'.  Now we do actually have a wonderful huge farmhouse type table that can sit everyone in Tollesbury (okay not quite), but that is too big for the snug.  'The table' is a beautiful oak table that is perfect as it is a fold down table, but opened out comfortably sits six.  But what makes it really special is that it was my grandmother's table and where my Dad ate all his meals as a boy.  It is still in wonderful condition and I love the fact that it is still being used.  It is one piece of furniture that I will never get rid of.  Here it is folded down, covered up and sitting quite comfortably in the corner of the snug :).  Now Pete and I can have some cosy dinners sitting at a table. Emmmm where did I put the candles.......