
Sunday 5 March 2017


I decided to take a short break from blogging, however I admit it has been longer than I intended.  I felt that the blog was just sort of drifting without any real direction.  Other blogs that I follow often have 'themes' or some great ideas and amazing photography.  My blog was a mish mash of shots of life here and I suppose when you are living the life, it doesn't seem that interesting.
Pete and I also seemed to just be drifting along; working, eating and sleeping.  For years our life had been about sailing, getting out as often as we could, going to new places and exploring.  We thoroughly enjoyed that time in our lives and have some great memories to look back on.   But for the past few years all our time has been taken up with the barge.  Carpe Diem (our yacht) suffered when we lived on it full time and then took a battering during a storm when it was put back on its mooring. It is now out of the water being renovated and will shortly be put up for sale.  We had to make a decision about whether to buy another (smaller) yacht or not.  We decided on the not, but still felt that we needed to do something to add some spice to life.  A campervan was our first choice, but to be honest, at the moment is a little out of our price range for something decent.  Another option was a caravan, but Pete didn't fancy towing it and again, if we wanted to take it abroad it would prove more expensive.
As you know, the last couple of years we have had some short breaks camping and have loved every minute of it.  Our tent was bought second hand for £40 and has served us well, but there were just a few niggles with it.  So we decided that for the next few years we would concentrate on camping.  As we are getting a little older (!) we thought that we should make it as comfortable & easy as possible.  So we have bought an amazing blow up tent that goes up in 10 minutes apparently, some super duper extra large, brushed cotton lined sleeping bags and a couple of beautifully padded chairs.  The new tent has a sewn in ground sheet, carpet, a porch for cooking and sitting under  and is big enough for at least a couple of grandchildren.  I cannot tell you how excited I am that we are going to be off exploring and looking forward to our adventures.  We plan on going away at Easter, though I think we may practise putting the tent up first so we don't look complete idiots!

I don't want you to think I am miserable because I am definitely not, life is actually good.  The grandchildren are all great and growing up way too fast.  I am very lucky to be able to spend a lot of time with all of them and have a great relationship with them.  We have another granddaughter due in June and my Mum and Dad celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary in July.  Pete reached the grand old age of 65 and now gets his state pension, unfortunately being 'considerably' younger than him and changes to the state pension age, I have to wait another 10 years before I get mine.  But I do get my teachers pension in two years and eight months, not that I am counting, and I have dropped down to part time work.  The government might think we should work until we drop, but blow that, we want to enjoy our retirement and enjoy it now!

So I have decided that my blog is just going to stay being a simple diary of a simple, but fulfilling, life along with all its ups and downs.  Nothing fancy but then that's me all over.  I am looking forward to catching up with all my blogging pals who I have neglected so badly in recent months, I have actually missed you all.  Take care and speak soon.  Oh, and here is a totally gratuitous picture of my wonderful grandchildren having a ball at Bobby's 2nd Birthday party xxx


  1. Nice to have you back. I too go through phases of whether my blog is boring but it is what it is.

  2. Nice to see you back, normal everyday life sounds good to me, can't wait to hear your adventures in the new tent.

  3. Lovely to see you back.

    I enjoy hearing about everyday life without too much polish, enjoy your tent adventures!

  4. I am really very glad to see you back into blogging Fran and look forward in seeing how the accommodation barge has been fitted out
    and oh' I do hope that Pete's shoulder came right for him.
    Well so take care both of you.

  5. Glad to see you back! I'm looking forward to reading about your camping adventures!

  6. Welcome back to blog-land, you have been missed. I feel the same way about my blog . . . my life isn't that exciting or interesting, but you know, it's a good life and I'm very happy. Our granddaughters are growing up too fast too. Abbey will be 11 this month and Lucy is 9 years old. They live a 12 hour drive and through snow filled passes, so we only see them a couple times a year, but talk to them all the time on the phone. I have never seen a tent as luxurious as your new one. That is going to make camping very comfortable. Wishing you and Pete a marvelous Spring and Summer and lots of fun camping with your grandchildren :)
    Keep Smiling.
    Connie :)

  7. I check in once in a while, but then there you were in my Blogger reading list. What a surprise. Glad you are back. I always enjoy reading your posts and learning new words from across The Pond. I would like to hear what's happening with the barge and of course, you camping adventures. We have been camping on our "barge." But it's a 20-foot flatbed kind we use to haul our quads around the lake. Our tent is a puny three-person model that requires a lot of crawling to get in and out. Your new one looks perfect for some relaxed camping, especially with grandkids. - Margy

  8. DC - Thank you and your blog is never boring! Xxx

    Marlene - thank you, everyday is good and we should treasure it xxx

    Thrift deluxe - thank you, not too much polish here in any sense ;) xxx

    Mel - thank you Pete's doing fine, although it took a while. Will post pictures of the barge soon xxx

    Jan - thank you, I cannot wait to get away xxx

    Connie - thank you, your blog is lovely and inspirational. Shame that your grandchildren are so far away, do you Skype? The tent is very posh isn't it, hopefully we can get it up oay! Xxx

    Margo - thank you, your barge sounds great fun. I don't think Pete's knees could take crawling in and out of a tent these days xxx

  9. Your new tent looks wonderful especially if it so quick to put up! It's lovely to see your grandchildren how time has flown since they were born! Sarah x
