
Monday 6 March 2017

Clean Clothes Finally!

After Pete's fall last summer, it took a long time for him to get back to doing any sort of work and when he did do some work, it was on Carpe Diem, getting it ready for selling.

But one job that desperately needed to be done was the wardrobe doors.  The wood burning stove seems to produces soooo much dust, along with Tollesbury being the dustiest place on Earth (second to the Sahara perhaps).  Consequently all our clothes in the wardrobe were always covered in dust.  Clothes that were worn on a regular basis were okay, but anything else needed washing again before it could be worn.  We decided on sliding doors as they take up less room.  So Pete got to work and did his usual magic, transforming an area.  It was quite funny before the stops were installed, as every time the tide came in or out the doors would open themselves, first time it happened was in the middle of the night.  It made us jump as they are heavy doors that made quite a racket.  The doors are fabulous, yet to be painted, but they do have nice crystal handles!  I also took the opportunity to clear out clothes that really weren't worn or waiting for the day I could get back in to them, so the charity shop did well too.  Sorry the pictures are not so good, it is very hard to show the doors off to their best.  There are three doors on each side and the wardrobes are deep because they go underneath the decks.  The second picture is of my 'accessory' wardrobe, how posh does that sound!  But I definitely have too many shoes, bags, scarves etc I need to have a good clear out there xxx


  1. Good job Fran and thanks for this reminder - I could do with a similar sort out !

  2. We downsized to a bungalow 7 years ago, and I got rid of half our STUFF, and I have never missed a thing, having less in your wardrobe is better, like you loads of things I could not wear hung in there.

  3. Hi. I am really pleased to see you back here! And life as it happens is ok for a blog as far as I am concerned. Your wardrobe doors opening in the middle of the night made me smile : )

  4. I need to do some clearing out too . . . not my favorite job. You are going to enjoy your doors. I have this phobia, I don't know where it came from, but I can't sleep with the closet door open. Maybe it came from a scary movie from my childhood, I really don't know. When we were first married it used to drive Steve crazy. Now he's used to me, LOL

  5. Jane - thank you, sorry to give you another chore! Xxx

    Marlene - goodness, I bet that was some clear out! A lot of our stuff was in storage for years, now I am going through it and getting rid of loads xxx

    Jo - thank you, made you smile, made me jump! Xxx

    Connie - actually I am the same, have to have the doors closed xxx

  6. It must have been strange the wardrobe doors opening on their own! Your husband is so clever! I'm sorry it has taken time to recover from his floor. Sarah x

  7. Pete is amazing...simply a marvel! They look great, Fran xxxx

  8. By the way, I am also threatening a mass de-cluttering session.....there's a lot of techie stuff and photo equipment that needs to be pensioned off in the most dignified and eco-friendly way possible...

  9. Sarah - thank you, rib injuries always take time to heal especially when you breaking the floating ribs. But he is fine now.

    Val - thank you Val, I beginning to think I might keep him! Yes, I also need to tackle the old tech stuff, all those leads that 'one day I will use' that in reality are all out of date! Xxx

  10. I know what you say about the woodstove. I don't notice the problem upstairs in the loft bedroom, but downstairs I find a light coating of black dust on everything. - Margy
