
Friday 2 August 2013

Strange Weather

It's been a funny ol' day as far as the weather is concerned.  Woke up to glorious sunshine, clouded over by the time I got to work, storm at break time, gently warm by lunchtime, now (tea time) too blinking hot to move!  But there were some beautifully sinister cloud formations just before the storm.


  1. That is one fabulous photo, Fran. So you've also been having these summer storms! We have had some humdingers recently, but today it's been blisteringly hot with no sign of rain at all. I was painting the stern end of the Vereeniging and very glad there was water in my rowing boat, so I could at least keep my feet cool! The perspiration was dripping off the end of my nose though. Still, I love it so I won't complain. I hope you have some lovely sunny days over the weekend!

  2. A terrific picture - the cloud formation is amazing. The storm overhead this morning was very dramatic - I was out in the fields and the lightning flashed across the whole sky.

  3. Trying to remember the name for these clouds, but can't. Makes for a fabulous photo, however.

  4. Kay, like you, I know these clouds have a specific name but can't think of them either. We went for a small walk in a wood, maybe 1/2 an hour, I was wet all over with perspiration afterwards. Not nice at all. So far this year, we have 'managed' without the fan and just have a quick wash to cool down if really needed.

  5. Hi All, they are called Mammatus clouds or Udder clouds. Not coz I clever, they named them on the BBC news last night! Xxx

  6. that is a wonderful cloud formation and you were lucky to be able to see it. We also had thunderstorms over here as well.

    Gill in Canada

  7. Those Mammatus clouds are very interesting because they can appear before or after a storm.

  8. Thanks everyone, I hope you have now had all the glorious weather we have had, with the rain sticking to the night time. Perfect! Xxx

  9. Those clouds are amazing. Thanks to AHV now I know what they are called and why they form.

    Sft x

  10. Wonderfull your foto capture ofsummer storms,nature is quiet but sametimes strong,
