
Sunday 4 August 2013

Pickled Gherkins

For the first time I have grown gherkins and am now harvesting them thick and fast. Time to start pickling!  Firstly I salted them and left for twenty four hours, today I have put them in white pickling vinegar with some sugar and dill.  They look gorgeous, so now I am going to look up when I can actually eat them.  Whenever it is, it will be too late for Lucie's pregnancy cravings, who has been going through pickles like there is no tomorrow!!


  1. Koos would fall in love with you immediately, Fran. He adores pickled gherkins! They look lovely and how marvellous that they are your own home grown ones too

  2. Val - now I know what to bring Koos! I love them too xxx

  3. These sound great. I do treat myself to a jar from Lidl occasionally but maybe I ought to try growing and pickling them myself. Maybe next year.

    My friend does most of her cooking on a single electric ring and still manages to make jam. Maybe only in 2-3lbs batches but she still has her own homemade jam. Perhaps "small" is the way to go for you too? Just a thought...

    Must talk to my husband on the subject of growing gherkins. Or maybe we could use cucumbers and pickle them when little... I'd like cucumbers and maybe asking for two new crops would be asking for too much : )

  4. Jo - the gherkins were easy to grow and the best harvest is coming from the plants in pots. I might have a go at a small batch of gooseberry jam at the weekend. But only two weeks and I will on the barge with a proper cooker, just in time for all the plums! Xxxx

  5. I love gherkins but I've never grown them myself. Perhaps that's something I could try next year.

  6. Koos will definitely fall in love with you if you bring him some! You will have a place in his heart forever! let us know how the gooseberry jam goes, and is that true? Will you be moving onto the barge soon! Wow! that's so exciting!

  7. Hi Fran! This is Sue from Sunline. I haven't been keeping up with blogs! Those pickles look outstanding. We have a garden here in Southeast Alaska, but mostly what grows well is kale. Kale, kale, kale. I dehydrate it an put it in smoothies. We also have some raspberries and some basil and some beets and potatoes, but mostly kale!

    I have been working from home/boat online for a medical supply company (I am a nurse). I maintain a couple of sites for them that I made. If you know anyone who is a carer, they might find some things helpful at title="Homeline University" target="_blank">

    I love not going to work haha!

  8. Jo - have a go, they were so easy xxx

    Val - I usually make gooseberry jam as it is one of the easiest jams to set. Plus it's my mums favourite. Yes we will be on the barge in two weeks, albeit in an unfinished state! But we will have a bedroom and a bathroom. Can't wait, am soooo excited!!!

    Sue - it is so good to here from you. I changed computers and then couldn't find you! We love kale here. I will pass on your website to my medical friends. Keep in touch xxx

  9. Hi Fran,
    Just wanted to say that my caregiver website is for NON medical types who have found themselves in a caregiving position such as an accountant who is now caring for an aging parent. It is for people who have said "I could never be a nurse!" Haha! There are more and more of these people around, at least here in the US, as the population ages. I am a part of that. We have two daughters who are nurses, so we always tell people that there is a severe nursing shortage ahead, so we had to grow our own! Blessings!

  10. Homemade pickles . . . YUM!!!
    They look so wonderful and your canning jars are fab. Love the pretty lids.
    Butchy is happy to be home and now we'll just take good care of him and see how the next couple of weeks go. Our hopes are high.
    Our weather has been unbearably hot, too. Last night we had thunderstorms and lots of rain, but instead of it cooling things off, it's just another hot day in the desert today.
    Have a lovely day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  11. They do look perfect for a pregnant lady! :)

    Do they come from your allotment?

    Sft x

  12. As the old rhyme do say
    pickled gerkins
    keep a body workin
    and make a happy day!
