
Saturday 18 March 2017

Spring has Sprung (and gone again!)

We had a few days of beautiful spring weather this week and what a difference it makes to how one feels.  Sunshine and some warmth in the air, suddenly makes you forget about the gloom of winter and the promise of summer seems just around the corner.  I decided that my poor neglected allotment needed a spring clean in preparation for the growing season ahead.
Unfortunately a few weeks ago I suffered from an attack of Sciatica.  I have never had it before and was in agony.  Luckily my wonderful physiotherapist friend immediately came to the rescue with her magic hands and took the pain right away.  However, she also gave me a stern talking to about not doing any heavy lifting etc for quite a few weeks and especially whilst the treatment was still ongoing.  Pete, my hero, has been doing all the vacuuming etc (do you think I can spin this out for a few months?!) and also offered to do the heavy work at the allotment.
So after a few hours of him working and me 'directing', most of the raised beds are mulched and have a fresh cover of compost, although more compost is needed yet.  The early potatoes are in, parsnips and beetroot sown and new raspberry canes planted.   Instead of flowers for Mother's Day, my boys are going to do a bit more digging and spreading woodchip over the paths between the beds, they are such good lads.
Last year I missed the main sowing and planting season as Mum was in hospital for 10 weeks and I was visiting every day, so I am looking forward to a more productive season this year.  You cannot beat freshly harvested fruit and veg, the taste is so different.
Only two more weeks until the Easter break and I cannot wait.  One of the downfalls of being a teacher is that you spend half your time wishing your life away til the next holiday :)


  1. I can commiserate with you on the pain of sciatica Fran having once suffered that long ago and thankfully no longer.
    Very glad to read that you have all the assistance that you need to put your garden in good order any chance of them coming this way - No I thought not :-)

  2. That's the only thing I really miss, Fran...a nice veggie garden! I'd love to grow veg, but with our itinerant life between Rotterdam and the creaky cottage, I'm afraid our postage stamp garden always takes more time than I have even now...lovely to be growing parsnips! Let's bring back the spring! It's wet and windy here today!

  3. PS Spring has sprung right back in its box again, hasn't it? Xxxx

  4. Mel - I promise that when we get over there, I will bring you a veg box!

    Val - I will bring you a veg box too! And yes, spring has gone for now, unless that was it last week :) xxx

  5. You have so much wonderful space at your allotment. I'm jealous, especially of your greenhouse. I would love to have one at the cabin, but the winds would blow one off the deck in the winter. I know what you mean about sun making a difference. The other day we had an unexpected break. It made the wind waves and cold air almost seem balmy. - Margy

  6. It's not only teachers who wish their time away waiting for the next break.

  7. Marry - to be honest, my greenhouse got totally battered by some winter storms and is missing some panels. I am going to replace it with a polytunnel as soon as I can xxx
    Marlene - oh I am sure I am not the only one, awful really isn't it xxx

  8. Happy Spring Equinox to you Fran! I hope today marks a change in the weather. Totally understand the pain of sciatica - unfortunately. Take care!

  9. So sorry about your back . . . I think that we all have a tenacity to over do it in the springtime:) Winter is so long and getting out in the fresh spring air just gives us all a boost of energy. We have to remember that we are not kids anymore :(

  10. Jane - thank you and thank you for your empathy, let's hope neither of us have to suffer again xxx

    Connie - thank you, trouble is, in my mind I am still only 21! Xxx
