
Saturday 27 February 2016

Galley Update

Pete is going great guns and the galley is really coming together.  We bought a small butler sink and ended up receiving three, the seller said it would be too expensive to return them so we could keep them.  My son is going to make good use of them in his new kitchen.  We also bought the most beautiful solid wood, walnut worktop.  The colours in it are amazing, but I can't show you that until next week when it is fitted.  Mum is out of hospital and doing really well, she said to thank you all for your good wishes.  I am loving working only two days a week, although on two of my off days this week I was on babysitting duty, not that I am complaining about that in any way!

My IKEA trolley has had its own little chubby hole built.  In the trolley are all the bits you need for everyday cooking eg oils, herbs & spices, stock cubes etc, it's all ready to pull out and use.  In the past these things have cluttered up the worktop, but I think this is a tidier option.  You can just about see the brown sauce.  Can't stand the stuff personally, but Pete says it has to be Daddies sauce or not at all, is there really such a difference?  I now need to put labels on top of the spice jars so that I easily see what they all are.

This is where the dishwasher and washing machine are going to live.  Can you see my lovely little sink tucked under the old worktop?  I don't need a big sink in the galley as I have a deep, full sized butler sink in the pantry for washing big pots and things.  I am going out in a minute to choose some taps, what a rock and roll life I lead!  Speak soon and enjoy the rest of your weekend x


  1. The Daddies sauce must be a man thing, but it's a nice trolley and very useful.

  2. Glad to hear your mum is doing well.

    I love your trolley, really useful and a gorgeous colour, your dinky sink looks very cute too.

  3. Thank you Marlene and welcome aboard. I have just had a quick look at your blogs and will come back later for a longer read. I love your dolls house projects. I had to give up my huge dolls house when we moved on to the barge, but I have just got a roombox ready for my latest project - a miniature witches kitchen :) xxx

    Thrift deluxe - thank you, it was a very stressful time with mum. I too love the colour of the trolley, it is definitely my colour of the moment xxx

  4. All looking good Fran.
    I especially like your frozen bread/vegetable/meat saw, no galley should be without one I say!
    For it was the first item that caught my eye you know :)

  5. Coming along nicely, well done Pete. Just a question, will you have a condensation problem with the bit above the cooker?

  6. Mel - of course it was the first thing that caught your eye, we just have to remember to give it a wipe when we use it to saw some wood ;) xxx

    DC - the cooker will actually be pulled forward a bit and a cooker hood installed, the rings at the back get rarely used, only when we are cooking for guests. Then the area above the cooker will have large black tiles that can be easily wiped. Hopefully that will stop the problem xxx

  7. Everything is coming together nicely, what a clever husband you have, well done to him, well done to you too for putting up with the work in progress, it will all be worthwhile in the end. Love the trolley, what a great idea!

    Glad to hear your Mum is improving. xx

  8. It's all looking good! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished galley!

  9. What a wonderful kitchen! I love your stove. If I liked cooking, I'd love one like that! Pete is creating a chef's dream in there! Xxx

  10. Hi Fran, I absolutely love seeing all of your progress. Your stove is amazing, looks like a professional chef's stove.

  11. Karen - thank you, I have to admit the dust us driving me nuts, but I am not complaining out loud! Xxx

    Jan - thank you, hopefully by next week it will be almost complete xxx

    Val - Thank you, I do love my cooker, it was certainly handy when feeding the forty thousand at Christmas! Xxx

    Connie - thank you, I do enjoy cooking for family and friends so the big cooker is great xxx

  12. The galley is looking great. When it is all finished, would your hubby like to come and visit my kitchen? I have a nice job for him to get his teeth into : )

    Glad to hear good news about your mum.

  13. It's looking really good, and that trolley idea is genius :-)

  14. Probably feels great to have it coming together. Is that the stove that also heats water? I've always been jealous about that capability. Is Brown Sauce like HP Sauce here in Canada? I haven't been able to learn to like it. - Margy
