
Wednesday 2 September 2015


Following on from my last post, perhaps not the best title!  But now the light mornings and nights have passed I have finally got bedroom curtains.  Okay, I know, they will keep the room warmer in the winter, so no need for sarcasm.  
Our windows are small and high and presented a problem.  I didn't want pull across curtains as the windows are too small and close together and the size also ruled out blinds.  Sue, our neighbour, came up with the idea of hanging them above the windows on two small hooks and then unhooking one side by day and leaving to drape.
Mum and Dad had bought some lovely full length, lined, ready made curtains for their lounge but one set were too small.  However, the material was perfect for our bedroom, so they donated them to our worthy cause and went and bought another set in the right size.  Sue cut them up, sewed a pole into the hems and added two rings to each.  They work beautifully.
I apologise for the poor quality of the pictures, but the light was all wrong and it really doesn't do the curtains justice.  Mind you, we are sleeping later which is not such a good thing! Now to finish the paintwork :)


  1. What a clever idea!
    I love how they work and they are very pretty,too :)
    Your home on the water getting lovelier with each post.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Connie :)

  2. Just lovely, Fran! And a creative way of making them. You must be thrilled!

  3. That is certainly different but seems to work very well lovely material.

  4. They look great. A great idea of how to hang them to make them work for you.

  5. Fran.....sleeping on a boat can be a problem at times especially when the sun comes up. We spent several months in Alaska on our Grand Banks and we had to put aluminum foil in the portholes so we could sleep....LOL LOL..... Looks like great progress is being made on your adventure.



  6. What a brilliant solution Fran - and they look lovely!

  7. Oh' gosh Fran I see that you are the domesticated home-maker sailor woman; a good idea those curtains hanging down the way that they do, a man like me might forget and wipe his hands on them :) :) x

  8. These look fantastic and I love the pattern, a great solution :)

  9. Thank you everyone for your lovely compliments, I have actually been sleeping better without any light coming in from the solar lights outside. Mel, Pete will get his hands chopped off if he wipes his hands on them! X

  10. awesome. bedroom curtains is very simple but still look elegant, I like it :)
