
Monday 20 July 2015


Can you see the bit of illegal parking!  The poor woman was reversing and, heavens knows how, she reversed over the wall and in to the creek.  The tide was in, but fortunately a quick witted, off-duty fireman dived in and pulled the lady free.  I guess the car will have to be craned out tomorrow as it is now blocking the shipping lane.  One thing for sure, I wouldn't like to be explaining this one to my husband!


  1. Yikes, she won't forget that for a while. Glad there was someone on hand to help her out.

  2. I imagine that she will blame it on the hubby for not fixing the handbrake or that she suffered a debilitating migraine at the time somehow she will wriggle out of the blame :)

  3. Oh my goodness! How horrible, I'm glad there was a fireman there for the rescue. Did this happen near your barge?

  4. oops. I bet that will cost a pretty dollar to get that winched out of there. Glad no one was hurt.

  5. Thrift deluxe - I think she was very lucky x

    Mel - that sounds so cynical ;) x

    Connie - very near Connie, in fact we were right in front of that spot for a while x

    Gill - I bet it will, can you imagine writing that story on the insurance form! X

  6. Eeek. It's a good job there was someone there to help her.

  7. Oh dear she won't be parking in this area again! Sarah x

  8. How scary, poor woman, so lucky someone was there to pull her out

  9. That's a fine window box you have at the bottom of the photo Fran. :)

  10. Jo - a hero indeed xxx

    Sarah - I doubt whether she will be driving again, she is 82 so I bet it frightened her xxx

    Chickpea - just found out it was a young friend of ours, always been a lovely lad xxx

    Bill - bout time for weeding I think xxx

  11. That is a big oops. I hate backing up with my big truck, but my new SUV has one of those cameras. I still look though, some old habits are good. - Margy
