
Monday 6 July 2015

Hi There!

I apologise for my prolonged absence from our blogging world.  I could offer all sorts of excuses but the truth is that I lost my blogging mojo for awhile.  However, a lovely message from Connie at Crafty Home Cottage gave me the kick up the proverbial that I needed, and I also realised that I missed you all and the interaction.  I am now going to spend the next few days catching up on my favourite bloggers and seeing what I have missed out on.

So what have I been doing?  I have been gradually emptying my office at the house and transferring it to my office on the barge.  This is no mean feat as I have literally hundreds of books.  I am having to sort them out and donate many to the charity shop as I just don't have room for them all. However, for someone who cannot get rid of any book, this has proved quite traumatic!  But I am getting there and am now half way done.  Most of the books here are reference books, teaching resources and classic and modern novels.  Cookbooks and gardening books etc are elsewhere on the barge.  Can you tell that I love books?  I have to keep finding little areas that Pete can put up more bookshelves, I keep telling him that they are good ballast!  So here is my office now, I love this space :) On the metal sign are the words to You Are My Sunshine.  I just had to buy the sign and put it in my space as my Grandad used to sing this to me when I was little, it makes me smile every time I look at it.  Can the eagle eyed among you see the mouse hole?  The cheeky thing has also hung his washing out!  I will be back soon, I promise! 😘😘😘😘


  1. Looking good. I've never had a problem getting rid of books but have in the past hung onto things. After having cleared two parents houses, no longer have the problem.

  2. Hi : )
    I'm so pleased to see you back. I was wondering what had happened... Your office looks great. I hoard books too because I love them. When a friend held a booksale for charity a few years ago, I bit the bullet and sorted out over 1000 books that I knew I probably wouldn't ever read again. Books were everywhere - double rows on shelves, piles in the bottom of and on top of wardrobes etc. It was good to reclaim a little space. Now I'm thinking that I need to sort a few more out but I'm procrastinating because I gave away all the ones that were easily weeded out.
    How is the job going?

  3. Oh how very amusing to have a painted on mouse hole and is that a sloping mouse road ramp to save them from injury when jumping up to the next level ?

  4. DC - that is something I am dreading when the time comes, my mum is a worse hoarder than me! X

    Jo - the trouble is there are always new books that I want. I have stopped buying novels just get them from the charity shop and give them back when read x

    Mel - don't be daft, it's their skateboard ramp! X

  5. Jo - sorry forgot to answer your question. My new job is going great. I am teaching secondary school children that have been excluded from mainstream school. Tough going and challenging but I love it x

  6. I love your office and the red floor is wonderful. Your little mouse hole is perfect, but you need to get down there and give us a close-up photo. Also, your new job . . . I think that is so terrific, these kids need someone who cares and can bring them to a place where they want to learn. I'll just bet that you are a fantastic teacher and the perfect person for this job.
    Thanks so much for visiting me.
    I can tell that you are one busy girl.
    Connie :)

  7. Good to see you back, I was thinking about sending out a search party!
    Your new job sounds the sort of job you can really get your teeth into - not literally obviously. I'm glad you have found room for lots of books, I guess you have to balance them up on both sides of the barge or you will tip over!

  8. good to see you are back. I think we have all lost our mojo at one time or another.

  9. Connie - thank you, I love my red floor too and I will get down to photograph my little mouse hole for you :) thank you for your lovely comments, most of the kids I teach have had a tough start to life and at our school they get the individual attention they need xxx

    Sue - thank you! Pete says the same about balancing up but I also have to have them all in order, like a library xxx

    Gill - thanks and I am glad I am not the only one xxx

  10. The barge has come along so far over the years. I love the paneling in your office, and you have plenty of space for shelves and a real desk. My office and work space is a corner of the sofa. I have to leave most of my books at the condo in town, but keep my reference books (mostly animal and plant identification books) at the cabin and my stack of new reads. - Margy

  11. Am jealous! Beautiful office - mine is more of a cupboard!

  12. Margy - because we are selling the house I am having to move all the books and I kept looking for books and couldn't find them, at least now they will all be in one place :) x

    Jackie - thank you, I do love my space xxxx
