
Monday 12 May 2014

At Last - problem Solved (And a Lovely Gift)

Look at these two pictures, these two little boxes have solved a problem that has plagued me for months now - my internet and mobile phone signal.  They are all part of a 3G booster signal and has made such a difference to the strength of my signal.  I have gone from nothing to a great connection.
And as a bonus I also get a mobile phone signal.  Not having a signal below decks has been a real problem.  I worried that Mum and Dad or the kids could not get hold of me in the case of an emergency.  However, it does have its downside - now I cannot pretend that I didn't get calls when I deliberately wanted to ignore them (ie work!)

I won a lovely book from Jo at The Good Life.  Jo grows vegetables and has the most beautiful garden.  She puts in a lot of work and puts me to shame, but this book has given me the push to dedicate a bed to flowers.  I love having vases of flowers around, especially when they smell sweet.  But they are too expensive to buy willy nilly, so I have to wait for the odd occasion that Pete buys me some.  Jo also documents her monthly visits to various gardens that are open to the public.  Some of my friends over the pond might like to pay her a visit to see some lovely examples of English gardens.  Jo can be found here.


  1. Glad you've finally got your internet connection and mobile signal sorted out, I hate being out of the loop, especially as you say, someone may need to get hold of you in an emergency. Glad you like the book, I'm still reading mine, there's so much information in it. I've been saying that I'll create a cut flower patch at the allotment for a long time, this book may just give me the push I need. Thank's for linking to my blog.

  2. Congratulations on winning that lovely book and also for your strong internet signal. I'm glad you have finally got it! Jo's blog is lovely too. Sarah x

  3. It was really good to hear from you today. I also enjoyed looking at some pictures of the boat that I haven't seen yet. Lots of progress since I was last here.

  4. Jo - I love the book, thank you xxxx

    Sarah - I'm glad you enjoyed it xxx

    Diane - good to hear from you and Pete has been working really hard xxx

  5. Like minds I guess. We just installed a booster system for the cabin. Ours doesn't look quite as substantial as yours, but it does the trick. It took my iPhone from one dot (bar) outside and none inside, to three sometimes four inside. You do have to be fairly near to the inside booster, but that's OK. Our place is pretty small. We still don't have Internet, but by choice. But that does limit my blogging quite a bit these days now that we are up the lake most of the time. - Margy

  6. Hi Fran, I am delighted that you are now connected to the world and that you won't have anymore internet problems. Modern technology is great when it works properly and very annoying when it doesn't.
    Great book, enjoy!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Your blogging sis,
    Connie :)

  7. I'm so glad you have got your internet sorted out, Fran! Now we can have you back! And the flowers are just lovely this year too. I am so happy with my own little garden!

  8. Margy - it's great to get a signal, but it was quite nice to be out of contact ;) xxxx

    Connie - thanks Connie it is nice to be properly back. Hope your weekend has been good too xxxx

    Val - thank you. I think our mild, wet winter has helped bring on all the flowers etc really early this year, there are some terrific shows of blooms this year xxx
