
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lovely Greens

My blogging pal, Tanya, from the Lovely Greens blog has just launched her web shop for her wonderful handmade bath and beauty products. As she says:

Lovely Greens is handmade soap and bath & beauty products from that misty island in the Irish Sea - the Isle of Man. Our products are made with pure ingredients including rich and moisturising oils, Manx beeswax and honey, essential oils, and natural colours derived from plant, flower and mineral sources.

I have tried some of her soaps and her lip balm and can personally guarantee how lush they are and how beautifully divine they smell. Pop over to her site at and have a look. And then don't forget to pay a visit to her blog at In fact, go there first and you can find a discount code for her products. Happy reading and shopping x


  1. I don't think lip balm is quite my thing :)

  2. Hi Fran . . . you are a sweetie to make this helpful post for your friend, but then that's the kind of sweetie pie that you are:)
    Are you back home with Pete, or still snowed in?
    Here's to a lovely week.
    Your blogging sister, Connie
    P.S. I'll check out your friends blog:)

  3. They look too lovely! And you are a wonderful support to your blogging friends, Fran. I love the idea of homemade products like this.

  4. You are very sweet Fran...thanks so much for sharing news of my Valentines Sale :) xx
