
Sunday 18 November 2012

Birthday Gifts

Look what my lovely daddy made for me.... a bench for my greenhouse. He also repaired it from the wind damage earlier in the year. Mum and Dad bought me a Pink Lady apple tree. It's a minerette tree that doesn't grow very big, so perfect for the allotment. Rob has just planted it for me and will teach me to prune it when it grows a bit.


  1. You have the most wonderful family, Fran! But then that's a reflection of who you are too. The tree sounds charming although I don't know it, and the bench! What a dad!

  2. Thank you Val. Pink Lady apples are my favourite. Juicy, crisp, sweet with a hint of tang. When I come and visit I will bring you some! Xxx

  3. Pink Lady apples are my absolute favorites. So sweet and juicy.

  4. Happy Birthday Fran !!! And many, many, many more :)
    Your bench is great. You should be able to start a lot of seedlings there in all that lovely light. I agree you have a wonderful family. I enjoy seeing and hearing about your get togethers. Have a wonderful day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  5. Diane - Do you think that our devotion to Pink Ladies are a reflection on us (ie all sweet and feminine)!!!! xxx
    Connie - I think we are both blessed with having lovely close families xxx
    Janys - Thanks you, my birthday was on the 10th. I tried to leave a birthday message on your blog, but I couldn't get a signal, but Happy Birthday too xxx

  6. oh lucky you!! I would LOVE a greenhouse!!
    happy birthday!

  7. When I get to be at the cabin more, I want a greenhouse somewhere. It would be fun to grow some things out of season, and get my sprouts started earlier. - Margy

  8. O Happy Birthday Fran and every good wish too you !
    Twenty-one again are you :-) xxx

  9. Happy VERY belated birthday Fran! The presents you received are brilliant and I think that I'd be just as thrilled as you are :) When I buy eating apples in the shop I generally go for pink ladies...they're pretty, crisp and delicious. What a bonus to have some growing in your allotment!

  10. Ooh, a visit would be lovely!!
