
Saturday 4 August 2012

Barge Update

Even though we have had a lot going on, Pete has been getting on with the barge. He is trying to get our bedroom (forward cabin) ready so that we can get our bed in and start sleeping together again!!!! These pictures show how far he has got, with putting in the celotex to keep us nice and snug, and building the wardrobes. These will line both sides of the bedroom giving us plenty of storage space, essential on a boat.


  1. That's one thing we lack at the cabin, closets. Fortunately Powell River is an informal town. I have one skirt that I wear to anything "fancy" and it is no iron. The rest of the time it's jeans, shorts (this time of year), or sweats. - Margy

  2. Wow! It looks like Pete has been putting in some hours on the barge, and that is going to be a lot of storage . .. great planning. I know that it is going to be so lovely when you are finished. That fact that it is on the world web and everyone can see it. You might just start getting offers to sell it when people see the final re-do. Then you'll have to decide if you want to start again or stop and enjoy. The two of you are an impressive couple, your blog is so inspiring. Have a great day, Connie :)

  3. Hi Fran Looks like Pete is making you a wonderful stateroom up in the sharp end,I bet you can hardly wait until it is completed?

  4. Hi Fran, Oh you are going to have a ball decorating your barge. I can not think of a more lovely place to live than right on the water. It is going to be a dream come true. I'm happy that you like my ceiling, have a wonderful week, Connie :)

  5. Nice Fran !
    I thought Pete had vacation !

  6. Pete's handiwork looks really professional - it must be wonderful to be able to do the work on your barge (opposed to having to hire someone!).

    How are your bees doing? Are they putting on some honey for the winter now?

  7. Margy - apart from what I need for work, I pretty much live in jeans with the occasional dress for going out x
    Connie - after all the work the barge is definitely not up for sale yet and Pete says this is the last one! Thanks for your lovely comments x
    Mel - I really cannot wait to get a bed to sleep in, bunks are fine but only for so long! x
    Ib - I don't let Pete have time off! x
    Tanya - with everything that has been going on I haven't been up to the farm to see what is happening. Now I am back at work I hope to have another beekeeping lesson this week at some point so will let you know x

  8. Pete is a brilliant craftsman, Fran. Speaking as one who has also built a barge interior, I can tell you he is a master compared to me :)
