
Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mothers Day Mum

Mum and Dad have gone on holiday, which means I am not going to get to share today with my Mum :( But I am going to Rob and Emily's for dinner, so no cooking or washing up for me :) (not that I'm doing any of that at the moment anyway!). Stu is working and Phil is away skiing, so a quiet day all round. But I would like to wish my Mum a Happy Mother's Day and tell her how much we all love her. I hope you got a cup of tea in bed, as I gave Dad strict instructions that he was to make it!


  1. Lovely, Fran. I don't have a mum anymore, but I am always touched by these heartfelt messages by others.

  2. But I am sure that you think of your mum often with very fond memories xxx

  3. Sounds like you and your mum are having a lovely day.

    Hope your foot is ok today and that Chocolategate is no longer critical.

    Sft x

  4. I just found out this afternoon that Britain has a different Mother's Day than North America. All the best to you and your mum, wherever you are.
    Mother's Day over here is in May, and, as it happens, I will be visiting my family on the west coast. I hope my youngest brother or my eldest niece will think of me, as I am now the eldest female in my immediate family, which makes me a mother of sorts.
    When I get home after that, it will be right smack dab into the kitchen reno. No rest for the weary. I'm sure you understand living in a construction zone.

  5. How interesting, in the states we celebrate Mothers Day in May.

  6. Hi Fran, I started a comment earlier and lost it somewhere before hitting the publish button, so I’ll try again. My husband and I are sailors too, not to the extent that you are. We have owned three sail boats. The first two were catamarans one a G-Cat and the other a Hobbie-Cat. Then we purchased a 25 foot Catalina which we both loved. We kept her on a large lake that was about a mile wide at its widest part and 30 miles long. We have never sailed in salt water, other than going out with other sailors on their boats. We sold our boat a couple of years ago, and have had regrets. The best sleep that I have ever had was sleeping on that boat. When you’re anchored out, the waves just seem to rock you to sleep . . . I really miss that. Well, that is what excited me when I stumbled on to your blog. I’ve always thought that living on a barge or house boat would be so very special. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better and to share your adventure. I love seeing people live out their dreams . . . it takes brave souls to just jump right in and do that. In that way, you are kind of heroes to me. Thank you for following my blog. I appreciate each follower and have been making so many friends with common interests. Mostly art, decorating, sewing and crafts . . . you are the first sailors that I’ve found. Have a great day, your new fan and fellow blogger, Connie
