
Sunday 8 January 2012

New Toy

As you probably know, I have been having problems getting a signal recently and it was getting very frustrating.  I like to come home from work, have dinner and settle down to read my favourite blogs and surf for new ones (I am a bit of a blog tart!).  With no signal I have been condemned to black and white war movies, programmes about WW2 and other really obscure programmes (Pete's choice!).  It was time to tackle the problem once and for all.  So I bought myself a new toy......

My phone was due for an upgrade and, with my discount, the iphone and ipad package was about the same as I had been paying previously.  I am not really up with technology, but what a piece of kit this is.  I am so impressed and can see that it is definitely the way forward for the future.  It is easy to use and clear to read (especially when the eyesight is beginning to fade!), although I do find it spooky that my phone, computer and tablet can all talk to one another!  It can also be used like a Kindle and I have been downloading several free books, not just fiction, but recipe books etc.  I am now revisiting Little Women, which I adored as a child and has not lost its charm now I am a little older.  Hopefully now I can blog a bit more often and comment on all my blogging friends posts.  Well, I have to sign off now as I have to go and play! 


  1. Marvellous, Fran!! what a great package. I am a mac use myself but have not succumbed to the pad yet. It looks very nice though and seems to be easy to use. Good luck and happy playing!

  2. Great to have you back Fran, we can't ignore technology can we?

    Enjoy Little Woman, I don't have a copy now but I loved it years ago.

    Sft x

  3. Hi Fran !
    Do You know there is a bundel of
    sea-charts for Your paddy ?
    And it´s very cheep. You could sail worldwide
    if You whant.

  4. Val - don't go anywhere near an ipad until you are ready to buy or you will be hooked!

    Sft - do go and get a copy from your school library, I am loving it.

    Ib - that's a good idea, I have to convince Pete that it is value for money :)

