
Sunday 4 September 2011

Carpe Diem

I thought I would show you some more of Carpe Diem.  I apologise for the quality of the pictures, but I am not the best photographer in the world.  Above is the headboard in the forepeak (main bedroom for those not familiar with nautical terms!).  Pete found this in the attic of an old hotel that he was doing up.  I think it was probably some type of ceiling moulding, but doesn't it look great as a headboard.  I keep saying the one day I am going to pick the detail out in gold.  Everyone takes the mickey out of me for my 'boudoir' but I think they are just secretly jealous!
This is the splashback tile behind the sink in the heads.  Unfortunately you cannot see too well, but the colours are magnificent.  When I first met Pete, he had just started fitting out Carpe Diem and this was my first Christmas present to him.  (See, even in the beginning I was marking out my style!)  Dolphins are a bit of a theme on the yacht and we have had some lovely North Sea crossings accompanied by real dolphins, which is a really special situation to be a part of.


  1. They are both lovely, Fran. The dolphin is beautiful and how lucky to have had them with you as you crossed the seas. Carpe Diem must have been with you a long time!

  2. Excellence is often found in the reuse of old materials, the dolphin too can be seen as a charm towards good fortune, which you pair obviously enjoy in your togetherness :)

  3. I love the dolphin, and I love that you love your "headboard"!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Very nice. I can't imagine living on a boat. Such an adventure.

  5. Not your every day Bayliner for sure. Our boats are pretty basic. My headboard it the microwave oven. Not quite as elegant as the one in Carpe Diem. - Margy

  6. Hullo Fran

    You make me long for the free and easy life upon the waters!! Love your headboard!!

