
Friday 22 October 2010

The Writing's on the Wall!


I have a confession to make, I am absolutely rubbish at drawing or painting!  Stick people and balloon trees are probably my limit.  And, although I do appreciate other's artistic talents, the art that I love most is the art of words.  You name it, poetry, novels, quotes, crosswords etc etc, I love it all.  I am also a compulsive list maker; shopping lists, to do lists, garden lists, boat lists etc etc.  I write them and I type them, in books, on notepaper, on the computer, in fact anywhere.  So, one of the things that I am determined to have on the barge is a blackboard wall.  This would be for my lists, Pete's orders(!), inspirational quotes, messages from friends and family and anything else that can be written.  I may even allow people to draw little pictures on it.  What inspirational quotes would you leave on my wall (keep it clean!)


  1. Ooh Fran, what a good idea! I love the photos on your post. Since I've just been been watching an incredibly inspiring and moving YouTube film of Ray Davis (Kinks) at Glastonbury singing Thank you for the Days with a full choir, which was dedicated to his "friend Pete Quaithe I'd like to suggest this as a quote:
    If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
    Author Unknown"

  2. Val, that is absolutely beautiful and definitely will be saved as the first quote on the wall, thank you x

  3. I don't have a quote (yet), but I just wanted to say, I love that idea! I think we need such a wall on our boat.

  4. I don't know if this is inspirational or not... but my grandfather always use to say every time we arrived home: "here we are before at last, we always were at last before." I love that saying, it is so comforting to me.. I always felt that he meant that we were back to where we always should be...


  5. And now I may have to blog about that quote... LOL

  6. Average Girl, your grandad's saying is lovely and I think as the barge will be my first real 'home' I may even put it somewhere permanent, perhaps in the wheelhouse. (Look forward to the blog post)

  7. I'm loving blackboards as decors right now! Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx
