
Monday 30 August 2010

Gone !!

One more bit to go ......................................................
Done ! Look at all that space.  Hopefully by the end of the week you will be able to see the beginnings of a wheelhouse.  As this area is so open, Pete has been having to sleep on board just to make sure his precious bench saw doesn't get nicked.   Not sure he would take the same precautions with me!

And this is Andrew, one of our new neighbours, who owns a Dutch barge with his lovely wife Tina.  I told Andrew I was going to blog this picture, as I think it is a lovely representation of a man in touch with his feminine side!!!!

Friday 27 August 2010

Look What I've Been Up To..............

Look what can be done when you have a day off work!  I have been making tomato, courgette, onion, pepper and garlic sauce using veg out of the garden.  I have made wild plum jelly and damson jelly from fruits gathered while out walking the dog.  I have made more chilli jelly as I have given most of the last lot away as gifts.  And finally, as Pete has been working so hard, I made him his favourite rock cakes, just like mum used to make!  Tomorrow I am going out to collect blackberries and apples and next week I am going to raid Mum's garden for more tomatoes, quinces and runner beans.  After I had served Pete (and Billy) homemade spiced lentil soup with homemade bread, I just happened to mention that if only I could retire now, just think how much more I could achieve!!!!!!

High Tide

Twice a month the tide comes up really high and covers the road (the road is to the right on the first picture).  This means that we will not be able to get on or off the boat during this time as our walkway will be under water.  Not a problem we will just have to learn to live by the tide.  You always get somebody who gets caught out by the tide.  In the second picture the tide is actually on its way out, the water had been up to the car's doors and flooded in.  I did feel for the people, but there is a huge great sign saying 'Road Liable to Flood', I don't know why folks choose to ignore it so often. 


Ok the roof is off, what's next............................................?
Time for a break, where's the tea....................................?

Nearly there, watch this space..........................................

Sunday 15 August 2010

Getting Ready ...........

This lot was delivered last weekend.  You can see the celotex and the plywood, the rest of the wood is on deck.  Pete has got a couple of weeks off after next weekend and is hoping to have the wheelhouse up and all the rest of the new superstructure completed by the middle of September.  Once that is done we can really move on with fitting out the inside.  I will keep you posted.

Yesterday we went foraging and found loads of damsons and wild cherries.  I have spent all morning making damson jelly.  My kitchen smells wonderful and it is very satisfying to create something so delicious when you have got most of the ingredients for free!!!!  Next weekend I'll make blackberry jam and sweet chilli jelly and then we should be set for the winter as far as jams and jellies are concerned.  Chutneys are next on the agenda.

Tuesday 3 August 2010


This our soon-to-be neighbour coming down the creek with his new boat.  Martin, Kim and Neil sailed the boat back from Amsterdam.  All went well until they hit bad weather at the Sunk and blew the head gasket.  However, all's well that ends well, as they arrived safely and in good spirits (apart from Kim's back of course!).

The weather was warm enough for a quayside BBQ and just a few bottles of champagne and beer!!! 
This is Neil, the BBQ King.  This hat may be familiar to some of my Dutch friends.  Sorry to rub it in, but they found them in a bin and decided they just had to have them!
And here is a very happy and relieved to be home Martin.  Enjoy your new home Martin.