
Tuesday 30 March 2010

Born to be a seadog

When we first decided to get a dog, we wanted a labrador.  However, the practicalities of lifting a full grown lab from dory to yacht put us off, so we decided to go for a Working Cocker Spaniel.  Some friends had a small bitch who had a lovely nature, so we went to the same breeder.  From the moment we saw Alfie we fell in love and I like to think he fell in love with us.  He has been a wonderful addition to the family. 

He soon learned to love sailing, here he is taking his turn at watch.
And then when he became more confident, he took over as figurehead!
Once he has completed his RYA Yachtmaster course, he can take his turn as skipper!

Sunday 28 March 2010

Lower Floor Plan

Okay I have managed to download a very simple plan of the area below decks.  If you click on the picture it will grow!

So, from left to right (and yes I know that it is not boat shaped, but my computer skills are not that good!):

Blank area -  Engine Room
Pantry and utility Areas (each 8'6'' x 4'6'')
Galley and dining areas (22' x 17'6'')
Small snug area for when it is too depressing to sit in the wheelhouse! (size included in galley area)
Bathroom (5' x 6')
Bedroom (11' x 17'6)
Office (8' x 15' decreasing)

Guests will be put up either in wheelhouse, where there will be two large bunks, or snug area, where there will be a sofa bed.  Large dining table will be tucked away under the deck area and pulled out on occasions.
Opposite the bathroom will be the coats, boots, dog lead etc etc area (behind doors eventually).

The wheelhouse will be 18ft x 12ft, so a fairly large living area.

Anything I have forgotten, I will mention as we go along.

Pantry and Utility

Pete has spent the weekend cleaning the hull of the pantry and utility areas.  Here is the utility area uncleaned.

And here is the pantry area, all clean and almost ready for painting.  I am going down today to help finish this job and get it painted.  Easter weekend we plan on starting to cut the roof off. 

Thursday 25 March 2010

The Sail Lofts

We are coming up for spring tides, so I thought I would show you what happens to Tollesbury when the tide comes up.  Most of the time that is a road outside the sail lofts until the water arrives.  We quite often see canoeists paddling up the road!!!!!  The sail lofts are unique and apparently the only other ones are somewhere in Canada.

Wednesday 24 March 2010


I found this image at  I like the brass portal hole in the door, I think I may use this idea in the office door.  The only other two interior doors are the bathroom and bedroom, probably not the places to have spy holes in the doors!  I also like the wooden worktops, something I have hankered after for a long time.

Sunday 21 March 2010


The interior design of this barge is very simple but I love it.  The wooden flooring looks beautiful and I really, really like the purple sofa.
These images can be found at

Saturday 20 March 2010

More Veg Growing and More

BowieChick posted this link last year.  It is a  news report about some serious selfsufficiency on a barge. 

Although we cannot be self sufficient to the extent of the barge in the clip, there are some really good ideas there and more on the website (link on the youtube page).

Worth watching!

Friday 19 March 2010

Vegetable Growing

I know that in the last post I said I intend growing fruit and vegetables on deck, but I really don't think I'll go as far as this!  Mind you it is fascinating concept, if it worked.

Sunday 14 March 2010

And now a floor!

Now I have floor in my office, albeit temporary. It actually makes the small space look quite large! Pete has to put insulation down and inspection hatches before the floor can be called permanent. But for now it can be used as a storage area if we do happen to sell the house.

I intend to grow as much fruit and veg on deck as I possibly can. To that end, this year I am experimenting with growing fruit and veg in pots, bags and anything else I can find. I have spent this weekend planting out Jerusalem Artichokes, potatoes and blueberries in pots. I already have garlic and red onions growing in wine bags. Upstairs the boys' bedroom windowsills have been taken over with seedlings of all sorts. I am aiming for the driveway to become a portable vegetable patch!

Sunday 7 March 2010

All black and shiny!

Look at my office, it is getting all nice and black and shiny!
Although Pete has done a lot to the barge, like always it is more preparation work than anything else. This is the first job that he has done that makes it look like we are actually getting somewhere. I lie a little, this is more a picture of what will be the chain locker but it is difficult to take a photo to show you the entire area. I will try once it is all dry and can be walked on.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Ship's Wheel

This is a different use of a ship's wheel, certainly gives you somewhere to hang your towel. Nice and shiny, but looks like it needs too much cleaning for me!
Still feeling rough, but had to go to work today, oh for the day I can retire!
Pete has now painted the inside of my office on Bonnie and this weekend will lay the floor joists and put the batons up ready for the insulation. Will post some pictures once I can get down to the barge.

Tuesday 2 March 2010


I am laying on the sofa feeling like death warmed up. So, to make myself feel better, I am dreaming about what the barge will look like. I quite fancy the idea of a staircase with a turn as a feature. What about these two?!

However, in reality I have learnt that carpets and boats don't go, especially when you add an Alfie dog into the mix! These two are a lot more practical and good looking to boot.